
Learn to fly......with Jesus

I am worried about our military, especially the Air Force. A study by Yale University has shown that the Air Force Academy has a problem with Evangelical Christians, which seem to have infiltrated the Academy.

The Associated Press reported several incidents:
  • The No. 2 commander has been reprimanded for promoting National Prayer Day.
  • Evangelical Christians have harassed cadets who do not share their faith.
  • There have been anti-Semitic slurs.
  • One of the top chaplains at the school was fired because she criticized proselytizing at the academy (so she claims).
There is another very disturbing report in the Washington Post and a story in USA Today. Those allegations are not new, most were originally contained in a report by the Yale Divinity School. (How bad is it that a Christian religious institution complains about Christian religious intolerance?!?) A paper from AU (pdf) is available. Some people are actually fuming that the story is such a stir, here (part II, III), here and here too (poor ideologues).

The reason I am worried is that our Air Force is weakened in two respects. First the onslaught of proselytizing evangelicals may make our Air Force weak when it comes to defending the country. What do you think those people are tend to defend, their faith or their country? Well, in such circles it is usually 'I am a Christian first...'! Of course, that leaves us (and the Air Force) weak on the real assignment to defend our country. It may also discourage smart and sharp people from other religious backgrounds from enlisting in the Air Force, leaving it as an average defense institution. Clearly that is too weak for our American standards.

The second reason is that religious intolerance seems to be permeating larger and larger parts of our governmental institutions. The AFA may be the first example of this, and there may be more to come. This is of course a dangerous path, and action by the government may be required in the future. Nothing drastic, but some steps towards reducing the religious influences on our government. For the military there is already a precedent that could be used: Don't Ask Don't Tell. It would have to be modified of course: You can worship and do whatever you want to satisfy your religious needs (even at the military), but as soon as it starts impacting your service or other soldiers you are out. (Such a solution is unlikely with the present administration being led by a born-again Christian, but Rumsfeld may have the stamina to push some things through.)

Let's hope the Air Force gets its act cleaned up. Soon. We need a strong Air Force for the large challenges ahead.


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