Get Rid of the Lie...uh...DeLay
Here is something I have been wondering about: why does the Republican Party want to be associated with a person that has shown several ethical lapses? Is it the 'moral values' the Republicans preach? Or is it the parties requirement to keep its donors and sponsors coffers open?
Here is some background: Tom DeLay the House majority leader has been admonished by the house ethics committee several times. Noting very serious, but serious enough that at least some Republican member of the house ethics committee voted with his Democratic colleagues to admonish DeLay. (Here are the rules of the ethics committee)
Now there are new allegations about DeLay (CNN, MSNBC, Houston Chronicle):
Now here is what I do not understand: How can the party accept being dragged down by a single person? DeLay is cited over and over again for his ethics rule violations, and as a consequence it appears that only Republicans violate those rules. The media focus the attention on DeLay such that by the day it seems more like the Republicans and the Republican Party has very low ethics standards. (How come there is no control in the Republican Party that prevents that such lapses appear first in the House and not in a party committee?)
For the sake of the Party, get rid of Tom DeLay as the House Majority leader. No one person is that important that the Party's name can be dragged into the dirt just because of his or her loose standards and low ethical values. DeLay is damaging the Party, and it may be better to let him go now than to have this circus going on anytime longer. DeLay may not be guilty -- but even then is he damaging the party more than he is helping at the moment.
Tom, do the Republicans another favor - resign.
Here is some background: Tom DeLay the House majority leader has been admonished by the house ethics committee several times. Noting very serious, but serious enough that at least some Republican member of the house ethics committee voted with his Democratic colleagues to admonish DeLay. (Here are the rules of the ethics committee)
Now there are new allegations about DeLay (CNN, MSNBC, Houston Chronicle):
- he supposedly took trips paid for by lobbyists, which is prohibited by house rules
- his associates illegally transferred money between Texas and Washington, and his associates face convictions for their action (DeLay is still investigated and may face possible criminal charges)
Now here is what I do not understand: How can the party accept being dragged down by a single person? DeLay is cited over and over again for his ethics rule violations, and as a consequence it appears that only Republicans violate those rules. The media focus the attention on DeLay such that by the day it seems more like the Republicans and the Republican Party has very low ethics standards. (How come there is no control in the Republican Party that prevents that such lapses appear first in the House and not in a party committee?)
For the sake of the Party, get rid of Tom DeLay as the House Majority leader. No one person is that important that the Party's name can be dragged into the dirt just because of his or her loose standards and low ethical values. DeLay is damaging the Party, and it may be better to let him go now than to have this circus going on anytime longer. DeLay may not be guilty -- but even then is he damaging the party more than he is helping at the moment.
Tom, do the Republicans another favor - resign.
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